
Blog > Robotics and Automation: How Robots Make Things Better

Robotics and Automation: How Robots Make Things Better

Robotics and Automation: How Robots Make Things Better

Have you ever wondered how your favourite gadgets and gizmos are made? Well, there's a superhero in the manufacturing world, and its name is robotics! In this blog, we're going to explore how robots and automation are changing the game, making things smarter and more efficient. But before that, we must understand what is the difference between Robotics and automation.


Automation is a process that uses machines, software, and other technologies to perform tasks with minimal human intervention. It involves the use of control systems, such as computers or robots, to handle processes and machinery.

 Scope: Automation can be applied to a wide range of systems and processes, not limited to physical tasks. It includes anything from simple repetitive tasks to complex operations in industries, offices, and homes.

 Objective: The primary goal of automation is to increase efficiency, reduce human error, and enhance productivity by streamlining and optimizing processes. It is often implemented to perform routine and repetitive tasks more reliably than humans.

 Examples: Automated systems can include things like automatic doors, thermostats, or even software that sends email responses. In manufacturing, automation can involve conveyor belts, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and other systems that control production processes.


Robotics is a branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and use of robots. A robot is a machine capable of carrying out tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously, often with programmable features.

Scope: Robotics specifically focuses on the creation and utilization of robots. Robots can be physical machines, software, or a combination of both, designed to perform tasks autonomously or under human guidance.

Objective: The primary goal of robotics is to create machines that can imitate certain human actions or perform tasks beyond human capabilities. This could include tasks that are dangerous, monotonous, or require precision.

Examples: Robots can take various forms, from industrial robotic arms used in manufacturing to robotic vacuum cleaners for household chores. Additionally, there are software robots, like chatbots, which interact with users through digital platforms.

How Robots can increase the efficiency of manufacturing companies?

Imagine a world where robots help humans in making things faster and better. That's what's happening in smart manufacturing. Robots are like super-fast and super-strong workers that never get tired. They can do repetitive tasks with precision and speed, making the whole manufacturing process super-efficient.

Here's a closer look at how these mechanical wonders contribute to making things faster and better in the world of smart manufacturing:

1. Precision and Accuracy

Robots are programmed to perform tasks with incredible precision. Unlike humans, they don't experience fatigue or lose focus, ensuring consistent and accurate results in manufacturing processes.

2. Speed and Productivity

Robots are super-fast! They can complete tasks at a speed that exceeds human capabilities, significantly reducing the time it takes to manufacture products.

3. Handling Repetitive Tasks

Repetitive tasks can be mundane and prone to errors when performed by humans. Robots excel at handling repetitive tasks consistently and without boredom or distraction. By taking over routine jobs, robots free up human workers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of manufacturing, leading to a more dynamic and efficient workforce.

4. 24/7 Operation

Unlike human workers who need breaks, sleep, and time off, robots can operate 24/7 without a   need for rest. This continuous operation ensures that manufacturing processes can run non-stop, leading to increased overall efficiency and output.

5. Flexibility and Adaptability

Modern robots are designed to be flexible and easily adaptable to different tasks. They can be reprogrammed or equipped with different tools to handle various stages of the manufacturing process.

This adaptability allows manufacturers to respond quickly to changes in demand, product variations, or market trends without the need for extensive reconfiguration of the production line.

6. Improved Safety

Robots can be deployed in hazardous environments or perform tasks that might pose risks to human workers. This not only enhances overall workplace safety but also ensures that manufacturing processes continue without interruptions.

7. Data Collection and Analysis

Many robots in smart manufacturing are equipped with sensors and data collection capabilities. This enables the continuous monitoring and analysis of production processes, identifying areas for improvement and optimizing efficiency over time.

Meet the Cobots

Ever heard of cobots? No, they're not the scary robots from movies, they're more like the friendly sidekicks of the manufacturing world. Let's dive into the world of cobots, short for "collaborative robots."

Cobots and Their Jobs: Helping Hands in the Factory

Suppose you're in a factory, and instead of big, intimidating robots, there are these cool cobots working alongside humans. Unlike their movie counterparts, cobots are designed to be team players, not solo stars.

Cobots are like the buddies of factory workers. They're there to lend a helping hand with the heavy lifting, tackle tedious tasks, and handle jobs that might be a bit risky or boring for humans. It’s like having a helpful teammate by your side, making sure everyone gets the job done without breaking a sweat.

Applications of Cobots

Now, here's the exciting part – cobots are super versatile. They're not stuck doing just one type of job, they can be found doing all sorts of things in different places.

In manufacturing, cobots might be busy assembling electronic gadgets with precision and speed. They're also experts at packaging items neatly, ensuring everything is ready to go. Cobots are like the all-stars of the robot world, jumping from one task to another with ease.

But the adventure doesn't stop there. Some cobots even moonlight in healthcare, working alongside doctors and nurses. They bring their helpful nature to assist in various medical tasks, making healthcare more efficient and safer.

Now the question arises is there any difference between Cobots and normal Robots?

So, the answer is yes, there is a slight difference between the two. Let’s make this understandable by using examples.

  • Traditional Robot

Traditional robots are designed to operate in isolation or behind safety barriers. They often handle tasks in a controlled environment without direct interaction with human workers.


In a large automotive manufacturing plant, a traditional robot is responsible for welding car components together. It is enclosed in a safety cage to prevent any accidental contact with human workers. The robot performs its welding tasks repetitively and precisely, contributing to the assembly line.

  • Cobot (Collaborative Robot)

On the other hand, cobots are designed to work alongside humans in a shared workspace. They are equipped with sensors and safety features to ensure safe collaboration with human workers.


In a smaller manufacturing facility that produces customized furniture, a cobot is used to assist human workers in assembling pieces. The cobot is designed to recognize when a human is nearby and can stop or slow down its operations to avoid any potential collisions. It might hand over tools to the human worker or hold a piece in place while it's being fastened, allowing for a collaborative and efficient assembly process.


So, the conclusion is robots and automation are the superheroes of smart manufacturing. They make things faster, better, and smarter. And the cool cobots? They're the friendly sidekicks that make sure everything runs smoothly. Thanks to these amazing technologies, the future of making things looks bright and exciting.